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Conquer Mind-Blowing Badass Crow Pose
Overview of the course
Welcome to the course (0:32)
What's it called again? (1:09)
Contraindications of the pose (2:43)
Benefits of the pose (3:35)
How will we learn learn the pose? (2:25)
How long will it take Shabba? (1:38)
Practice 1 Shoulder, arm and core (19:38)
Practice 2: Level 2 Shoulders, arms and core (20:33)
Practice 3 Flexibility (19:29)
10) Bakasana practice with modifications (15:11)
11. Bakasana Vinyasa (17:35)
12) Bakasana Au revoir (1:08)
10) Bakasana practice with modifications
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